Saturday 8 March 2014

Food for thought...

I read this excerpt after I heard the concerning news that this week Belgium has legalised euthanasia for children as well as adults...

It is a heart-rending thing to reflect on the sin and misery that prevail in this world.  Let us relieve ourselves, in some measure, by this consideration, that God has done all things according to the counsel of his own will.  Is the Almighty disappointed in his work of creation? has Satan prevailed over him because of his strength? or will any real dishonour attach to God by the rebellion of men and angels?  Impossible; away with the accursed thought!  These clouds before my eyes are dark and lowering - I cannot penetrate that gloom - I see nothing but confusion and wretchedness.  The very glory of this world is vanity; its highest enjoyments are unsatisfying.  But though I cannot see through this dreadful darkness, I will look beyond it by the eye of faith.  God reigns; all things therefore must issue in the glory of his name, and the happiness of his people.

Taken from Confidence in God in Times of Danger - A Study of God's Providence in the Book of Esther, by A Carson, currently available both new and secondhand from us.

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